Monday 1 October 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire

This is the Questionnaire I sent out;
1.      What’s your gender? Circle answer


2.      How old are you? Circle answer


3.      What genres of music do you listen to? Circle answer(s)


4.      What reasons do you buy music magazines for? Circle answer(s)

Gossip/Reviews/New music/Charts/Posters/Other

5.      On a cover of a music magazine, what is it that entices you to buy it? Circle answer(s)


6.      What format do you listen to music in? Circle answer(s)


7.      How often do you go to gigs/music festivals? Circle answer(s)

Weekly/Monthly/Every couple of months/Yearly/Not at all

8.      How often do you buy a music magazine? Circle answer(s)

Weekly/Monthly/Every couple of months/Yearly

9.      How much would you pay for a music magazine?

Less than £1/£1-£2/£2-£3

10.  How often do you use music websites?

Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Every couple of months/Yearly