Monday 1 October 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire

This is the Questionnaire I sent out;
1.      What’s your gender? Circle answer


2.      How old are you? Circle answer


3.      What genres of music do you listen to? Circle answer(s)


4.      What reasons do you buy music magazines for? Circle answer(s)

Gossip/Reviews/New music/Charts/Posters/Other

5.      On a cover of a music magazine, what is it that entices you to buy it? Circle answer(s)


6.      What format do you listen to music in? Circle answer(s)


7.      How often do you go to gigs/music festivals? Circle answer(s)

Weekly/Monthly/Every couple of months/Yearly/Not at all

8.      How often do you buy a music magazine? Circle answer(s)

Weekly/Monthly/Every couple of months/Yearly

9.      How much would you pay for a music magazine?

Less than £1/£1-£2/£2-£3

10.  How often do you use music websites?

Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Every couple of months/Yearly

Friday 21 September 2012

My College Magazine Contents Page and Analysis

When designing my college magazine contents page, I kept my colour house style so it flows and looks like it goes with the cover. When writing what was in my magazine, I put the different pages in to different sections, ‘on the cover’, ‘usuals’ and ‘new’ so the students will know what section to look under so it makes it simpler. I also chose a white background so the text is easier to read and so the colours stand out more and look bolder. The image on my contents page, is the same image on the cover, so the students know that it is the main feature of this issue of the magazine.

My College Cover Magazine and Analysis

When creating my own college magazine cover, I made my colour house style black, white and red as those colours attract a wide range of students. When thinking about what sell lines to put on the cover of my college magazine, I thought what would attract me to a magazine as I am a student. I then decide to put a couple of rhetorical questions on it as it will leave the students guessing and wanting to look inside. When taking the image for my cover, I got my friend to read a book so it looks like she is studying and so it fits in with the genre of ‘college’.  When choosing my masthead, I wanted it to be simple so it was memorable to the students. I also used a simple font so it would be easy to read.

College Magazine Contents Page Analysis

The contrast of the text on the white background makes it clearer and easier to read, which makes it a good contents page as it is not over the top and too busy. The images on the contents page, makes the college students look friendly and inviting because there all smiling, which will draw students into reading the magazine. The layout of the contents page have been set out well. All the images aren't the same size which is effective.

This contents page has a neutral background so the text stands out on top of it. It is also very simple and not over to the top so it is clear that it is a contents pageThe way the image has been taken on the contents page gives it a dramatic look and looks like you are looking up to him, which shows role models within the magazineFrom the contents page, you can tell that the magazine itself is simpler because there isn’t a lot going off inside it, which shows that this college magazine is only aimed at certain students in the college and not all of them.

College Magazine Cover Analysis

The masthead of this magazine is simple as it is called ‘college’. The suppleness of the masthead is effective because you know straight away what sort of magazine it is, and who the target audience is. The masthead is placed at the top in big, bold yellow writing so it stands out against the black background. The use of bright colours fits in with the target audience because students prefer bright colourful magazines rather than dull ones. The colours also show the seriousness of the magazine, because this magazine is in bright colours, you know it’s going to be about the ‘fun’ side of college. However, if it was in neutral colours, then you know it would be more about the intellectual side of college. The main feature of this magazine is in bigger writing than the rest so the audience know that it is the main article of the magazine. Because the main article of this magazine is about dance, the main target audience for this magazine are students that are interested in dance. This magazine has a slogan ‘Your exclusive guide to everything hip, hop and happening’. This slogan will lure the students in to reading the magazine because it is a catchy slogan, and students want to know what’s happening around their college. This college magazine has many luring sell lines. These sell lines lure the students into reading the magazine because they tell you what’s going to be in the magazine. This college magazine has many luring sell lines. These sell lines lure the students into reading the magazine because they tell you what’s going to be in the magazine.

The main theme of this college magazine is sports, so the target audience for this magazine are college students who are interested in sports. The masthead of this magazine is called college sports so it is recognisable to college students who are interested in sports. There is also a banner running across the top of the cover advertising another feature of the magazine. The colour scheme of this magazine is in bright colours such as blue, yellow and orange to catch the audiences eyes. The main image of this magazine is to the right of the cover with all the sell lines to the left of it. There is also another image on the left which suggests that there is another focal point of the magazine. There is also a lot of sell lines on the cover to lure students into reading the magazine. There is also an issue date which suggests that there is one monthly which also suggests that it is a popular magazine.

The main image of this magazine is centred at the bottom of the magazine which gives it a more formal look and focuses on the text on the cover. The layout of this magazine is set out like a student textbook. This suggests that this magazine is aimed at the intellectual side of the college and attracts a student audience who are more interested in the well being of the college like the college council. The masthead is in big bold writing so it attracts the students to it. The choice of yellow on a neutral background also makes it stands out. The masthead for this magazine is also simple but still effective and makes it recognisable straight away as a college magazine. Sell lines to introduce the audience on what the magazine has inside and lures the audience to read the magazine. The focal point of the magazine is in the centre of the cover so the target audience know what the main feature of the magazine is. The colour scheme for this magazine is neutral colours like brown and beige, and then you’ve got the bright yellow writing so it stands out catches the target audience’s eyes.